National Geographic posted on their Triton support page today a new set of how-tos, tips, and a few troubleshooting steps for the integration between the Triton series and National Geographic TOPO!.
Additionally they have posted a revised edition of their 4.4.2 upgrade which addresses a minor issue with Vista. Anyone running Vista that has downloaded the 4.4.2 upgrade prior to 12.20.07 should download it again and reinstall.
For users with the 400,500,1500, or 2000 model Tritons, we've tested 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB SD Cards and found them all to work just fine. With a 4GB card you can load most TOPO! states completely. Amazon has 2GB SD Cards as low as $10 right now, so ordering a few for photos, and maps is a good investment.
Happy Holidays to All!
NG Posts Updated Triton FAQs and How-Tos
Contributed By:
12:23 PM
Labels: Magellan Triton, SD Card, TOPO
Nat Geo Product Support News
A recent comment to TOPO! Hacker spawned this post. (Thanks PK).
Contributed By:
7:55 AM
More Triton News and Tips
We've heard rumors from a few people that Triton 200 series units are coming with PC connection cables! (Even though the packaging states otherwise). No clue as to how many are like this - but if you are weighing the purchase between a 200 and 300, take a peek inside the box first and perhaps save yourself some money for a new TOPO! product instead. now has Triton 300s in stock for those that aren't close to one of the retailers listed in the previous post.
Here at the Hacker Lab we've been testing both the 200 and 300 and been pleased so far with functionality. You can load a pretty significant area of detailed National Geographic TOPO! maps on to the unit's built in memory - at least a (4) USGS quad area - approximately 200 square miles. The higher end units with the SD cards therefore, should be able to store a massive area.
Contributed By:
10:00 AM
Labels: Magellan Triton, Triton 200, Triton 300
Looking for a Triton? Check these retailers ...
From our exclusive sources in the field - a partial list of retailers that should have Triton's in stock or at least on their way to stores. This of course is not a guarantee that your particular location will have the unit still in stock, so call ahead, but the source is highly reliable. If this information helps you locate a GPS or if you find another retailer, please post a comment to help others! Happy Holidays!
EMS - New Hampshire based retailer, with stores thoughout New England and the Mid-Atlantic - should have Triton 200 and 300 series models.
REI - Washington based retailer with stores nationwide, should have Triton 300s.
Sportsman's Warehouse - Utah based retailer with stores nationwide, should have Triton 300s.
Joes Sports - Oregon based retailer with stores in the Pacific Northwest, should have Triton 300s.
Sport Chalet - Southern California based retailer with stores throughout the region, should have Triton 300s.
Academy Sports - Texas based retailer, should have Triton 300s.
Once again this list is certainly not complete but should help those seeking Tritons for the holidays. If you find additional sources, feel free to post!
Contributed By:
10:45 AM
Labels: Academy Sports, EMS, GPS, Joes Sports, Magellan Triton, REI, Sport Chalet, Sportsman's Warehouse, Triton 200, Triton 300
Magellan Triton 300 Works with Macintosh!
Using a Mac G5 running "Parallels" an emulation software package, with the Vista operating system loaded, I have been able to successfully transfer maps, routes, and waypoints from National Geographic TOPO! to my Magellan Triton 300! While this is not the ideal solution for Magellan users that run TOPO! on mac, this is promising.
I'd expect Boot Camp (Mac OS X 10.5 / Leopard) or the new VMWare product will work as well.
I will post some video of the transaction shortly.
Contributed By:
11:36 AM
Labels: Mac OSX, Magellan Triton, National Geographic, TOPO
BREAKING NEWS: Confirmed Reports of Magellan Tritons Shipping to Retail
In from our very own "agent x" ... Triton 300's have shipped and are on the way to retailers! That's right you heard it here first, the long awaited Magellan Triton, the first GPS receiver in the market which can load the maps from National Geographic TOPO!, is starting to head towards stores... Get yours while you can! Stay tuned to TOPO! Hacker for further developments.
Contributed By:
5:08 PM
Labels: GPS, Magellan Triton, National Geographic, TOPO

The Work Around:
Step One: Create an account with a web based file service. There are a variety of free sites now promoting the feature to post PDFs and other files and images for you to later access from your mobile device – the least of which is Google. My personal favorite due to its simplicity is Readdle provides you up to 100mb of free online file storage and supports a variety of formats including PDF. Plus if you’re into books – they have a free library of public domain classics like Shakespeare and Conan Doyle.

Step Five: Save the map to disk. Using the Macintosh you can save the map directly as a PDF which is my preferred image. On a PC save the map as a high resolution JPEG or GIFF. If you have a PDF file converter I’d recommend the extra step of converting the graphic file to PDF, but you can post JPEGs and GIFs to Readdle too.

· I’ve had periods of time when Safari has cached my uploaded TOPO! map, allowing me to access it while not on a WiFi network. I’m not certain what the parameters are yet – or how to force it to cache – but I’d recommend experimenting with map size. Obviously keeping the map visible when not online is preferred.
· Experiment with loading different types of maps. Remember that TOPO! covers metro areas too! I created a file in TOPO! highlighting my favorite watering holes, then uploaded that to my ITouch. As more and more coffee shops and bars have free WiFi it came in handy to quickly check the location of the next stop in an evening’s pub crawl.
Contributed By:
7:24 AM